 Sun Xuejian,Zhang Han,Li Xueran,et al.Study on distribution and community diversity of birds in Xuwei New District, Lianyungang City[J].Journal of Jiangsu Forestry Science &Technology,2023,50(03):21-29.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-7380.2023.03.005]





Study on distribution and community diversity of birds in Xuwei New District, Lianyungang City
孙学建1张晗1黎雪然1杨瑞1刘丹2 3*徐威杰2 3*周滨2
1. 江苏洋井环保服务有限公司,江苏 连云港 222000;
2. 天津市生态环境科学研究院,天津 300191;
3. 天津环科环境咨询有限公司,天津 300191
Sun Xuejian1 Zhang Han1 Li Xueran1 Yang Rui1 Liu Dan23*Xu Weijie23* Zhou Bin2
1. Jiangsu Yangjing Environmental Protection Service Limited Company, Lianyungang 222000,China;
2. Tianjin Academy of Eco-environmental Sciences, Tianjin 300191,China;
3. Tianjin Huanke Environment Consulting Limited Company, Tianjin 300191,China
Bird communityDiversityDistributionHabitatXuwei New DistrictLianyungang City
Q958. 5;Q959. 7
As the indicative species for the quality of ecological environment, birds play an important role in maintaining regional ecological balance and species diversity. In 2022, a total of 120 species of birds were recorded in Xuwei New District, belonging to 38 families of 16 orders. Passeriformes and Charadriiformes occupied the largest number of species, both accounting for 34.17%. Among them, 13 species of birds have been listed as State Protected Animals, 4 species in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and 3 species in CITES Appendix. For the diversity index of birds, Simpson index was calculated as 0.807, Shannon-Wiener index as 2.296, Pielou index as 0.480. For the main distribution areas, top 3 species richness was arranged in order as Xianghe Lake> Dongxiang Lake> Ecological shore line, and Simpson index and Shannon-Wiener index as Xianghe Lake> Yun Lake>Zhoushan Lake, Pielou index as Xianghe Lake> Yun Lake> Liezi estuary. Similarity coefficients of bird community in Liezi estuary and ecological shore line were relatively high while those in the remaining areas were extremely different. Based on the results of the survey, the bird protection effectiveness, habitats and threats were discussed in order to provide basic data and scientific basis for local bird diversity protection and ecological sustainable development.


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作者简介:孙学建(1986- ),男,江苏盐城人,工程师,硕士。从事资源环境调查与研究工作。Tel:18261327772;E-mail:925587229@qq.com
*通信作者:刘丹(1993- ),女,工程师,硕士。从事生物多样性研究工作。Tel:13821219530;E-mail:13821219530@163.com
徐威杰(1989- ),男,工程师,硕士。从事生态修复研究工作。Tel:15802267207;E-mail:xwj3839@@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-09-08