 Wang Hailong,Gao Changjian,Hu Yuyan,et al.Diversity characteristics of natural broad-leaved mixedforests in Zhejiang Province and their impact on productivity[J].Journal of Jiangsu Forestry Science &Technology,2024,51(04):33-40.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-7380.2024.04.006]





Diversity characteristics of natural broad-leaved mixedforests in Zhejiang Province and their impact on productivity
1.浙江省林业勘测规划设计有限公司,浙江 杭州 310020;
2.浙江省森林资源监测中心,浙江 杭州 310020
Wang Hailong1 Gao Changjian1 Hu Yuyan1 Xu Sen1 Lu Shitong1 Xu Da12*
1.Zhejiang Forestry Survey Planning and Design Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310020,China;
2.Zhejiang Forest Resource Monitoring Center, Hangzhou 310020, China
Natural broad-leaved forestSpecies diversityStructural diversityEnvironmental factorProductivityZhejiang Province
The impact of species diversity, structural diversity, and environmental factors on the productivity of three types of vegetation cover was studied in Zhejiang Province, i.e.: natural evergreen broad-leaved forest, deciduous broad-leaved forest, and evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest.Based on the 2021 continuous forest resource inventory data of Zhejiang Province, R language was used to analyze the relationship between species diversity, community diversity, and productivity of the three types of vegetation covers. Optimal indicators representing species diversity and structural diversity were selected and tested for correlation. Redundancy analysis was used to examine the relationship between environmental factors and productivity.The results showed that species diversity was significantly negatively correlated with productivity in evergreen broad-leaved forest (R=-0.26, P<0.05), while structural diversity was significantly positively correlated with productivity (R=0.51, P<0.05). In deciduous broad-leaved forest and evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest, both species diversity (R=0.33, P<0.05; R=0.32, P<0.05) and structural diversity (R=0.51, P<0.05; R=0.47, P<0.05) were significantly positively correlated with productivity, especialy structural diversity showing a stronger correlation with productivity than species diversity. Additionally, it was found that different types of natural broad-leaved forest were affected by environmental factors to varying degrees. Slope was the most significant factor affecting productivity in evergreen broad-leaved forest, while slope position was the most significant factor in deciduous broad-leaved forest and evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest.The study suggests that improving the community structure and species diversity play a crucial role in increaing the productivity of natural broad-leaved forests, and the productivity levels of different natural broad-leaved forest could be significantly influenced by environmental factors.



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作者简介:王海龙(1992- ),男,安徽亳州人,工程师,硕士。研究方向为森林资源调查监测与林业遥感。E-mail:1224060531@qq.com
*通信作者:徐达(1979- ),男,浙江宁波人,高级工程师,硕士。研究方向为森林资源监测和林业信息化等研究。E-mail:42468122@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-24